Asteroid Field
Asteroid Field
Use the up / down to move, button 1 to shoot.
My entry for #TweetTweetJam - make a game where the code is 560 characters or less.
I used 560 chars
Here's the Pico-8 code:
while(1)do b={}e=128r=rnd z=rectfill n=90s=0y=n while(y<e)do q=20+flr(r(n)) if(r(5)<1)add(b,{x=e,y=q,s=q,v=(r(30)-15)/36}) cls()d=31i=0 for h in all{2,36,73,159,243}do z(0,d,e,e,h)fillp(0xa5a5)z(0,d,e,d+3,h)fillp()d+=17-i i+=2end f=btn(4)a=0 if(f and j<1)z(15,y,e,y,10)a=1j=15 if(not f)j=0 z(9,y,14,y-2,8) if(btn(2))y-=2 if(btn(3))y+=2 for d in all(b)do d.x-=2 c=d.x d.y+=d.v if(y<d.y+6 and y>d.y)then if(a>0 and c>9)d.y=e s+=10a=0 if(c>9 and c<14)y=e end ?"◆",c,d.y,10 if(d.x>-999)pset(c/3+n%e,d.s%20,7)pset(c/4+n%e,d.s%18,5) end j-=1 ?s,60,0,8 flip() end end
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